Sunday, March 20, 2011

A big pizza pie – that’s amore!

Blog post # 9
You’d think we’d use up what ever leftovers not earmarked for my mom and dad. No, not us! Kent is not particularly fond of leftovers of any kind, but nothing will go to waste, be sure of that, Fridays have traditionally been pizza night for us. So, since we didn’t have pizza last Friday, Kentsuggested it for tonight – order in or homemade?  For me, there’s no decision. I’m addicted to pizza of any kind, but Kent’s home made is the winner, hands down. Kent, a self- professed carnivore and me leaning  precariously close to vegetarianism, both satisfied by this house specialty – lots of veggies, adequate but minimal meat and plenty of cheese!

Stay healthy and safe!

1 comment:

  1. the first day of Spring! As a newcomer to seasons, I look forward to hearing what meals people prefer in this glorious season! Bring on the asparagus!
