Saturday, October 26, 2013


          Before we start I would like to correct Ms Recitas’s name. It is Lyn-Genet Recitas. I apologize to you and Ms Recitas for my error.
          This would be a good time to tell you that Ms Recitas recommends you suspend ANY exercise routine you’re on, at least until after the 3-day detox. It is her belief that while you’re ridding your body of all the unwanted toxins from your body (all that “stuff” from processed foods you’ve been consuming) that you allow your liver and entire body sufficient time to heal. This you can achieve by totally resting your body. Through testing her patients, she has determined that most people will reap minimal benefits from exercising while on the detox portion of this eating plan. For some, it may seem next to impossible to give up exercising while “dieting”. Just keep in mind that this isn’t a diet in the same terms you’ve come to define that word. Just go with it, you’ll see the benefits without the “huffing and puffing”!
Here we go, on what might just be the most exciting re-vamped eating adventure of your life, and what could be the eating plan you’ve been looking for your entire life to help you lose weight and feel great!. I can tell you, it’s made a tremendous change in my life. Finally, I have a true list of foods I can indulge in, knowing they won’t sabotage any of my previous efforts, but will in fact, cause weight loss as soon as I start eating them. If, all of this sounds impossible, it would be using traditional weight-loss methods. It really isn’t! I’ve lost weight, especially around my middle, which is a most dangerous place, health-wise, to be carrying extra pounds. My constant headaches are somewhat under control. If this were my only side effect from The Plan, it would be more than enough!
          It’s time we get down to the heart of The Plan. Along with our other duties on The Plan, we will each keep a food diary of what we consume daily. Yes, I will be giving you your daily menu, but it’s much better if each of us has a separate log of what we’re eating. You’ll have a better idea of what foods are involved specifically with you, if you show reactivity. First, I will give you the menu and recipes for Day 1, the first day of the detox section of your new way of eating. I will keep you at least one day ahead to allow you to check your pantry stores, and to cook what’s needed. You can move along at your own pace after that. If you choose to go more slowly, okay, you’ll have the tools you need to follow along. Remember to drink the recommended amount of water each day that will have a marked effect on your progress, or lack thereof.
          You also need to remember to be satisfied with the quantity of food you’re eating at each sitting We will be eating enough of the given menu foods to feel full, but still comfortable. We will NOT be over-stuffing ourselves! For me, at least some meals felt like I was stuffed to the brim… the difference, I guess, between eating the right and wrong foods for our individual chemistries. You will soon get into the swing of things on The Plan.

Breakfast: 1 cup flax granola, topped with 1CUP blueberries (and as I said before, I use sliced strawberries, as well as blueberries, a generous shake of cinnamon and a tsp, or so, of vanilla, as well as 2 small soup spoons of ground flax, almond- or vanilla-flavored Silk beverage, more than the coconut flavor. Obviously, if you already suffer from a soy or dairy allergy, you need to find a more suitable beverage. You could use Rice Dream beverage. Due to sporadic availability, locally, of the Silk beverage, I’ve started using Blue Diamond almond milk, which is, for me, a friendly food. Ms Recitas’s research has found both white rice and almond milk as 50% reactive, so, they’re good for most people.
Lunch: Carrot-Ginger Soup, sprinkled with chia   or sunflower seeds
Sautéed or steamed broccoli (you can cook enough to have some for tomorrow’s lunch) I cook what I need, when I need it, as I prefer veggies to be freshly prepared.
Snack:1 med-sized apple
Dinner: 1 recipe Sautéed kale with, with Vegetables topped with Spicy Coco Sauce (Ms Recitas makes great flavor claims about this sauce in her book, and believe me, they’re all absolutely true. Once you taste it, you’ll find yourself looking for other ways to use it. You can make enough sautéed kale and vegetables to have enough for tomorrow’s dinner. Again, I do only what I need, if your schedule is time-crunched, you’ll prefer cooking ahead. Except that which I need for my writing projects, Time is all I have!
If the spicy Coco Sauce initially sounds unappetizing, you’ll discover otherwise!

Remember, this is a detox period, so, if you find yourself getting unusually tired, it is perfectly normal. It’s simply your body’s way of telling you it is downloading the chemicals, sodium and other unhealthy things you’ve been putting in your body until now. You’ll find your energy picking up in a few days, so, give your body the rest it is screaming it needs! I’ve noted my changes to this recipe, by stating what I use/do, or with (*)
You might be tempted to add soy sauce or some other condiment while cooking this, but, you won’t need it, when you top it with the Coco Sauce. The parsley and cilantro will give great flavor.

Cilantro is the most used herb in the world, loved by many global cuisines. It is definitely one you either love or hate. I happen to love it. And I also use chopped curly parsley and cilantro in the salads used in The Plan. Nothing like a little cilantro to give Romaine lettuce a kick!
5 TO 6 cups chopped kale
4 shitake mushrooms, chopped (I use button or Cremini, ripped apart (about an 8-ounce package)
¼ med yellow onion, sliced
2 tsp. olive oil
Herbs of your choice (I use about ½ a bunch each of curly parsley and cilantro)
2 cloves fresh garlic, minced*
Heat oil in large frying pan or Wok, Add garlic, mushrooms and onions, stirring until onions are opaque. Toss in kale and herbs Sautee until greens are wilted.

Before starting the following recipe, I open the can of coconut milk. Taking care not to shake the can, and then separate the cream that has risen to the top from the milk. (I can see my Caribbean friends cringing at this!!). I prefer sautéing the veggies in this cream, instead of oil, then mixing the milk in afterwards.
1 large onion, chopped
3 to 4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 tsp each ground cinnamon, ground black pepper, turmeric, and cumin
1generous pinch ground cayenne
1 can coconut milk
Use the Coconut cream separated from the milk earlier, Use it to sauté the onions and garlic over medium heat. Once the onions are opaque, add in all the spices. Stirring constantly, taking care not to burn the garlic or cream. Stir in the milk. Cook for a few minutes. You will start to smell the spices giving off their curry-like aroma. Remove to a blender or use your immersion blender to blend to your desired sauce-like consistency. You can refrigerate in an airtight container or use right away* Makes about 4 ¼ cup servings.

This cereal may just become your everyday cereal. It also makes a great take-along snack The healthy fats it contains are touted to improve brain health… it’s a little messy for kids in the car, but nothing a vacuum cleaner can’t fix!!
Soak 1 CUP WHOLE FLAX SEEDS in ½ cup water. Stir in a shake or two of cinnamon and a few grates of whole nutmeg along with a little vanilla. The mixture will become very gummy. It is here you will think you’ve made some horrendous error. But, you haven’t. This is perfectly normal. Now spread in a thin layer on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake in preheated 275F oven for 50 minutes, turning and breaking up frequently. At end of 50 minutes, sprinkle with dried fruit, nuts and seeds (small handful of each). Bake 10 minutes longer. Cool, breaking up any large pieces. Transfer to airtight container until needed. Your granola is now ready to enjoy!

Breakfast: 1 cup flax granola with toppings as in Day 1.
Lunch: ginger-carrot soup topped with chia or sunflower seeds
Mixed greens with ½ diced apple and ¼ avocado; leftover broccoli from Day 1
Snack: (for women) ½ pear with small handful almonds (Being in the middle of “apple country”, I’ve made my daily snack ½ apple with almonds).
          (For men) 1 pear and small handful almonds
Dinner :( for women) leftover sautéed Kale with vegetables with 1cup brown rice and a sprinkle of sunflower or pumpkin seeds
          (For men) leftover sautéed Kale with Vegetables and 1 ½ cups brown rice and a sprinkle of sunflower or pumpkin seeds

Stay healthy and safe!


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